Articles and News

In this section of our website, we would like to keep you updated, or reminded about important taxation issues, plus new IRS procedures which may affect you as a rental homeowner or business investor.

With that purpose in mind, it may be a good opportunity to mention Capital Gains Tax, a topic which frequently comes up and is a concern to many clients when they decide to sell property. You often ask us about the tax implications, and while it is essential for us to consider individual matters, we would also recommend you check the FIRPTA section of our website

Most importantly, please contact us before the sale (i.e. when you have appointed a Realtor, and of course, please keep us informed when there is a prospective buyer). This will allow us sufficient time to act in your own best interests – (we often achieve substantial financial benefits for our clients.) but in particular, we can then protect you, the homeowner from unnecessary distress and avoid your funds being withheld by the IRS following the sale of property.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading our website. Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions or tax matters that you wish to discuss.

Yours sincerely,

 Stephen J Harter

Please telephone +44 (0) 1925 758330 or email